TLCI Automation Services

"We are here to help"


The Automation Services Portal (ASP) is a core part of the The Law Cultivators Institute Chandigarh. The portal was established since the time of inception of the Institute, and It covers a broad range of services focused on technical issues and rectifications as per the need of the members of the Institute. The ASP provides the platform for registration/de-registration of the membership of the Institute and quick resolution in case of any issue.

We help students and staff of the institute to get started with the automation services like Email configuration, learn how to get started with receiving digital services of the institute and to get started with Classroom services.

Our Services on ASP

The "Automation-Services-Portal or ASP" helps students to get them registered as student on our portal

The students can ask for configuration of email services

Digital services request

Registration for Library Services as an independent library member

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